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Brand Recognition With Compelling Exterior Graphics

Written by Tomas | Feb 27, 2025 10:00:00 AM

Exterior wall graphics and exterior floor graphics can be powerful communication platforms. With the right combination of textures, tones, and palettes, designs can give brands a compelling position in the local community. In this article, we take a quick tour of the empowering potential of exterior graphics.

Enhance Visibility

In environments where brands are jostling for attention, standing out from the crowd can be a challenge. This is where exterior graphics are invaluable. Exterior graphics have the primary purpose of enhancing visibility. However, enclosed in the task are a multitude of critical creative and technical details. These include the tonality, geometry, texture, style, and overall impact of the exterior wall graphics, all of which can combine to make a powerful statement. The more attention to these details, the more visible the exterior graphics.

Draw Attention

Increasing the overall impact of exterior graphics is about grabbing and holding attention. This is where creativity comes in. Simplicity is nearly always the key to iconic branding, and following the seven core design principles is essential in external graphics. Emphasis, alignment, contrast, repetition, proportion and white space can all be optimised to catch the eye and draw the consumer towards the space. When it comes to drawing attention, be brave, be unique, and be bold.

Quality Materials

The choice of materials is crucial in exterior graphics. The material needs to be able to look stunning whatever the weather. Exterior materials benefit from robustness, waterproofing, and UV-resistant coatings. A wide range of coatings are available depending upon the requirements.

Connection To The Local Area

Exterior signage provides a direct connection to the local area. It is the point at which the interior space of the brand meets the ebb and flow of the outside world. As such, it is a critical point of communication, with extensive potential. On one level, this can be practical, such as using exterior signage to directly engage with the community. This could be through promotions, messages, or partnerships. At a more psychological level, exterior wall signage and exterior floor signage can make a statement of belonging to a local environment, and thus central to community involvement.

What Next?

Their prominence and position make exterior wall and floor graphics the mouthpiece for any brand. To ensure that your exterior signage is putting on its best show, book a discussion today.